I am a Research Associate working with Jessica Barrett on building statistical models for within-person variability with applications in cardiovascular diseases and cystic fibrosis. I joined the MRC Biostatistics Unit in January 2022. Previously, I was a PhD student in Statistics at the University of Warwick. My thesis was on functional data analysis for large-scale 3D neuroimaging data. Further details about myself are available on my personal webpage.
Research Interests
I am interested in the development of statistical methods for the analysis of complex biomedical data. In the current project, we explore modelling approaches to include the variability in subject-specific longitudinal measurements in dynamic prediction models of time-to-event outcomes. In the clinical literature, simple summaries of these measurements (like standard deviation or coefficient of variation) are often used as predictors, although the use of these quantities poses multiple questions in terms of the statistical inference (for example, the effect of the number of repeated measures on the summaries themselves). Our aim is to provide a statistically principled approach to model intra-individual variability within a joint model for longitudinal and survival outcomes. More generally, I am interested in the statistical analysis of data that come in complex fashions, like longitudinal data, imaging and textual data, often in high-dimensional settings.
Please see my Google Scholar and my ORCID profile.