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MRC Biostatistics Unit


MRC Biostatistics Unit, East Forvie Building, Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0SR

About our location

The MRC Biostatistics Unit is based on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, in the East Forvie Building, a building shared with other public health departments. The Forvie Site is adjacent to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, one of the country’s largest teaching hospitals, and home to the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine.

Map and useful links

Cambridge Biomedical Campus Map

Finding your way around Addenbrooke’s Hospital 

Contact the BSU

Directions to the East Forvie Building

By vehicle: On entering the Forvie Site, take the first road on the left. The East Forvie Building is the long low building on the right hand side as you enter the parking area. The reception entrance and visitors parking is in the second bay on the right. Please note, visitors parking is available by pre-booking only. Please call 01223 330300 to book a space.

On foot: The pedestrian entrance to the Forvie Site is to the left of the vehicular entrance. Follow the path through the wooded area and the Institute of Public Health is the long low building in front of you on the other side of the parking area.