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MRC Biostatistics Unit

BSU PhD students 2024

We actively support equality, diversity and inclusion and encourage applications from all sections of society.  We are committed to widening participation in postgraduate education.

The MRC Biostatistics Unit provides an exciting place to commence a career in Biostatistics.

Our unique academic research environment offers the chance to do cutting edge research with direct relevance to real world health problems. Many of our staff have been central to the UK and University of Cambridge response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As such our thriving PhD programme is hugely successful and competition for places is high. The BSU’s relaxed yet enthusiastic, dedicated and stimulating environment provides students with the essential tools, both in research and transferrable skills, to set them on their way to a successful career as an independent researcher.

Our PhD students are registered with the University of Cambridge under the subject heading ‘Biostatistics @MRC Biostatistics’ in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine. Students belong to one of the University’s colleges and are trained at our Unit at the University Forvie Site on the Addenbrooke’s Hospital Campus in Cambridge.

The general framework of the PhD training programme is locally co-ordinated by Brian Tom (Director of Studies), Robert Goudie, Angela Talbot (PhD Programme Manager) and Jenny Lynn (Postgraduate Coordinator).