I joined the BSU in September 2022 as a Research Associate to work with Sofía Villar on topics around the design and analysis of clinical trials that use digital outcome measures. Previously, I was a postdoc at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I worked with Elizabeth Williamson and James Carpenter on missing data methods in clinical trials that use accelerometers to quantify physical activity. I obtained my PhD from the University of Southampton. My thesis investigated nonmyopic approaches to the design of sequential experiments in the presence of covariates. I was supervised by Dave Woods, Ilya Shpitser and Peter Smith.
- webinar about our latest work on 8 Methodologcal questions for Digital Outcome Measures
- short introductory video on missing data issues for accelerometer data
- Bailey, Elmi, Qian, DiPietro, Tackney, MS. and Napolitano. (2024) ‘Longitudinal timing of physical activity and associated cardiometabolic and behavioral health outcomes in young adults’, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2024; 10.1093/abm/kaae084
- Tackney, MS., Villar, S. and Carpenter, J. (2024) ‘Unleashing the Full Potential of Digital Endpoints: Eight Questions that Need Attention’, BMC Med 22, 413 (2024). 10.1186/s12916-024-03590-x
- Tackney, MS., Steele, Newman, J., Fritzsche, Lucivero, F., Khadjesari, Z., Lynch, J., Abbott, Barber, V., Carpenter, J., Copsey, B., Davies, EH., Dixon, WG., Fox, L., González, Griffiths, J., Hinchliffe, Kolanko, M., McGagh, D., Rodriguez, A., Roussos, So, Stanton, L., Toshner, M., Varian, F., Williamson, P., Yimer, BB. and Villar, S. ‘Digital Endpoints in Clinical Trials: Emerging Themes from a Multi-stakeholder Knowledge Exchange Event’, Trials 25, 521 (2024). 10.1186/s13063-024-08356-7
- Tackney, MS., Williamson, E., Cook, DG., Limb, E., Harris, T. and Carpenter, J.. (2023) ‘Multiple imputation approaches for epoch-level accelerometer data in trials’, Statistical methods in medical research, 10(32). 10.1177/0962280223118851
- Tackney, MS., Morris, T., White, I., Leyrat, C., Diaz-Ordaz, K. and Williamson, E.. (2023) ‘A comparison of covariate adjustment approaches under model misspecification in individually randomized trials.’, Trials, 24(1). 10.1186/s13063-022-06967-6
- Tackney, MS., Stahl, D., Williamson, E. and Carpenter, J.. (2022) ‘Missing Step Count Data? Step Away From the Expectation–Maximization Algorithm’, Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 5(4).10.1123/jmpb.2022-0002
- Tackney, MS., Woods, D. and Shpitser, I.. (2022) ‘Nonmyopic and pseudo-nonmyopic approaches to optimal sequential design in the presence of covariates.’, Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 93(4). 10.1080/00949655.2022.2113788
- Tackney, MS., Cook, DG., Stahl, D., Ismail, K., Williamson, E. and Carpenter, J.. (2021) ‘A framework for handling missing accelerometer outcome data in trials.’, Trials, 22(1). 10.1186/s13063-021-05284-8