Submitted by A.S. Quenault on Tue, 03/09/2024 - 15:45
For the fourth consecutive year, we were delighted to host a group of brilliant interns over the summer.
Our internship programme provides those with an interest in data science and knowledge of statistics to join the Unit for 2 months, to work on projects being led by our researchers. They carry out data analysis, take part in research team meetings, present their findings, and get involved in all aspects of life at the BSU. The programme is expertly managed by Hélène Ruffieux and Pavel Mozgunov, and each project is supervised by a researcher in the Unit, allowing one-to-one support and guidance. As well as this, each intern is integrated into research group meeting and attends Unit wide activities such as seminars and our weekly staff meetings. A series of internal career discussion sessions are also organised, providing valuable insight into the different research paths the interns could take following their placement at the Unit.
This summer, we were delighted to welcome Heather Napthine, Luke Egan, Hongda Yuan, Scott Hislop, Ted Xiong and Tudor.
A few of them have shared insights into their experience about interning at the BSU.
Heather Napthine
"After completing my Bachelor's degree, I applied for this internship still with a sense of uncertainty about my future path. While I had already applied for a Master's programme due to my love for my undergraduate degree and a strong desire to continue in academia, I wasn't entirely sure what direction I wanted to take next. I had some doubts about pursuing a PhD, and all I knew for certain was that I had a deep interest in statistics, particularly applying it in the medical field, which I found both impactful and interesting.
When I received the news that I had been accepted for the internship, I was very pleased and proud of myself, however, I was also apprehensive about the experience ahead. Moving from Scotland to a place where I knew no one, I worried about loneliness and how well I would adapt to the level of work expected. Thankfully, the experience exceeded all my expectations. The atmosphere at the BSU was incredibly welcoming - one of the friendliest environments I've ever encountered. The career sessions and advice we received throughout the program were invaluable, making the internship feel more like a personal development journey which I was fortunate enough to be paid for.
Meeting people from diverse backgrounds who had successfully completed or were in the process of pursuing PhDs opened my mind to the possibility that I might do the same. The experience has broadened my perspective on my career options, and I'm now more excited than ever to see where my Master's degree will lead me!"
Hongda Yuan
"Under the supervision of Abigail Burdon and Dominique-Laurent Couturier, I worked on a power analysis of different statistical hypothesis testing procedures. During the placements, I carried out various tasks such as coding for simulations of patient data, simulating the process of hypothesis testing, power and size estimation, etc. I encountered some unexpected problems and my supervisors have been very helpful. When my exploration of the topic deviated from the pre-defined path of my supervisors, they were also willing to listen and adopt my new findings. We also had a presentation at the end of the placement to review what we'd done and present the latest findings.
I have learnt a lot from this placement, both through the independent research and through guidance from my supervisors. Some examples of the skills I've gained are parallel computing, power analysis, type I error control and high-performance computing. There are also transferable skills, such as the ability to communicate complicated mathematical results and summarise at a high level during presentations. I will take this set of skills with me into my future studies and career. I really enjoyed the atmosphere at the BSU and the spirit of doing good scientific research."
Luke Egan
"After completing my undergraduate degree in Mathematical Sciences at University College Cork, I was uncertain about the direction I wanted my career to take. Seeking clarity and an opportunity to develop both my research and technical skills, I applied for this internship at the BSU. I’m so glad I did, as my experience not only met but by far surpassed my expectations.
During my time at the BSU, I had the privilege of working under the supervision of Marie Chion on a challenging project focused on differential analysis for multiple-imputed quantitative proteomics. Although this work was a significant step up from my undergraduate studies, it was an incredibly rewarding experience. This project allowed me to develop my R skills and extend my knowledge about various statistical methods, which I am confident will benefit me in my future endevours. I am immensely grateful to Marie, who provided excellent guidance and unwavering support, always making herself available for discussions and assistance whenever needed.
The atmosphere at the BSU was incredibly welcoming, and I was fortunate to engage in insightful conversations with many of the Unit’s researchers. These discussions often challenged my thinking about the problems I was working on and deepened my understanding of life as a biostatistician and researcher. I also thoroughly enjoyed my time with the other interns, who were not only wonderful colleagues but also great friends—both in the office and as part of a formidable quiz team!
My experience at the BSU has been nothing short of incredible. I’m leaving with enhanced research and technical skills, a clearer vision for my future goals, and an amazing group of friends."